COEO Inkasso
Logo / coeo Bildmarke

Sustainability management

We aren’t only about debt collection – we do much more than that. Our sustainability management reflects what we believe and how we shape the future.

Our strategy

Holistic sustainability strategy

We pursue a comprehensive sustainability strategy that is oriented not only towards financial returns, but also long-term viability and responsible business practices. From the planning of our business processes to innovative IT solutions, there is an element of sustainability integrated into everything we do.

Stakeholder involvement and dialogue

We seek active dialogue with our stakeholders, participate in sustainability initiatives and swap ideas and information with industry associations. This holistic approach takes all interests into account and enables us to respond appropriately to feedback.

We have been honoured!

With the current EcoVadis rating, coeo is among the top 35% of companies assessed in terms of sustainable behaviour. The agency rates companies based on criteria such as environmental protection, social responsibility and ethical business practices. We are proud to have received this recognition in just the second year of the voluntary ESG rating and see this as an incentive to continue on our consistent path of sustainability management.

C02 emissions (from 2021 to 2022)- 15 %
Proportion of electrically powered vehicles (as of 2022)70%
Women in management positions (as at 2023)57%
Average training hours per employee in 202320


Environmental issues and sustainability

The coeo Group drives forwards the use of technology with a clear focus on environmentally-friendly solutions. Through targeted investments in energy-efficient infrastructure, progressive data processing and green technologies we do everything in our power to minimise our environmental footprint and conserve valuable resources.


Social responsibility and human rights

The coeo Group is committed to upholding the international standards enshrined in the United Nations General Declaration of Human Rights and the Core Labour Standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) as guidelines for our working practices and relationships with our stakeholders. This principle forms the core of our corporate culture and reflects our commitment to ethical, responsible and sustainable business.

Fairness and ethics in debt collection operations

Our debt collection practices are not only fair, but also respectful and ethical. We take into account the financial situation of our debtors and treat them responsibly. Acting in an ethical way is our top priority.

Employee orientation

Our employees are our most valuable asset. We take care of their safety, health, diversity and training. The integration of sustainability principles into our corporate culture strengthens not only employee satisfaction, but also employee loyalty.


Compliance with laws and regulations

For the coeo Group compliance means more than mere adherence to laws and regulations – it is a key component of our corporate philosophy. Through precise knowledge of all relevant regulations we ensure not only compliance, but also proactive adjustment to changing legal requirements.

Diversified technology resilience

We attach great importance not only to technological innovation, but also to our ability to guarantee fail-safe operation and data integrity. Our investments in technology are intended to ensure not only that we are the industry leader, but also that our systems are reliable and robust. We achieve this through comprehensive information security and business continuity management.

Transparent communication and reporting

We see clarity and openness not only as values, but as a key obligation. We continually provide information about our efforts and progress in the area of sustainability in order to ensure transparency. We firmly believe that sound decisions can only be made on the basis of clear information.

To the news blog

Our goals

By 2025

  • Conversion of direct electricity procurement to renewable energies
  • Promotion of employee health through stress management
  • Introduction of regional supplier evaluation processes
  • Employees are trained in the use of energy resources

By 2026

  • Implementation of at least two sustainable initiatives in collaboration with our suppliers

We always set ourselves sustainability targets as part of a PDCA cycle in order to ensure optimum target achievement and efficiency. This includes continuous reporting and regular reviews of our current targets as well as setting new, more ambitious targets following the successful completion of each PDCA cycle.