coeo is a credit services institution

Licence granted by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)

Show - coeo Group

When the Secondary Credit Market Act comes into force in Germany on 30.12.2023, companies that provide credit services within the meaning of the Secondary Credit Market Act must obtain a licence from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). coeo is now one of the debt collection companies that have received this authorisation.

For coeo, compliance with high quality standards and legal requirements is a top priority at every stage of the process. This not only protects our customers and their interests, but also safeguards the interests of end customers.

We are therefore delighted to have been authorised by BaFin and are very proud to have gone through the authorisation process so quickly and smoothly.

Contact for queries

coeo Inkasso GmbH
Sarah Lehmann
Head of Marketing & Public Relations
Tel.: +49 2133 2463-0