‘Receiving reminders - now what? coeo gives valuable tips for the right approach’

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Reminders are unpleasant, but they don't have to lead to financial disaster. In the latest article on CHIP, our managing director and lawyer Marco Hessel explains how to react correctly to reminders in order to avoid costly mistakes. The key is to take a calm approach in order to clear up misunderstandings quickly and get the situation under control.

When you receive a reminder, you should initially remain calm and check the claim carefully. Check whether the details are correct and whether payments have already been made. It is advisable to check that the debt collection company is reputable, for example by inspecting the legal services register or the BDIU list of members.

It is important to seek dialogue with the debt collection company. Reputable companies such as coeo rely on respectful communication and offer flexible solutions such as instalment payments. Acting quickly helps to avoid misunderstandings and find a solution.

To avoid reminders in the future, it is helpful to have an overview of your own financial situation. Keeping a budget book or using financial apps helps to keep an eye on expenditure and build up reserves. In addition, loans and instalment purchases should always be carefully considered to avoid incurring new debts.

If the financial situation comes to a head, it is important to seek professional help at an early stage. Coeo offers fair solutions to regain control of your finances.

Find out more

Read the full article with Marco Hessel (only in german) on Mahnung erhalten? Experten-Tipps, wie Sie richtig reagieren und teure Fehler vermeiden - CHIP and find out how to deal with reminders correctly and avoid costly mistakes.